The Rhythms of Knitting – Patterns Are Not Just For Show

Recently, I found myself happily knitting in a 1-2-3, 1-2-3 pattern. I had been a bit down in the dumps, but knitting in this simple pattern actually made me feel better.

In the world of knitting, there’s more to those numbers in your patterns than meets the eye. Beyond the stitch counts and repeats lies a fascinating realm of numerical rhythms that not only enhance the aesthetics of your creations but also contribute to a sense of calm and mindfulness.

Knitting has long been celebrated for its therapeutic qualities, and the incorporation of numerical patterns adds another layer to this experience. Engaging in rhythmic and repetitive activities, like following numerical patterns in knitting, induces a relaxation response. This effect is akin to the calm achieved through meditation. The focus required to execute a pattern, combined with the tactile experience of working with yarn, creates a meditative state that eases stress and fosters mindfulness.

The beauty of the rhythms we experience in knitting lies not just in its visual appeal but in the comfort it brings to the knitter. The predictability and order of this sequence provide a structured flow, allowing the mind to enter a state of relaxation. As you navigate through your project, the rhythmic counting becomes a soothing mantra, transforming the act of knitting into a mindful practice.

Whether you’re a seasoned knitter or just starting, exploring the world of numerical rhythms can add a new dimension to your crafting experience. So, the next time you find yourself immersed in the rhythm of your pattern – whether a simple 1-2-3, 1-2-3 or something far more complex – know that you’re not just creating a beautiful piece – you’re also weaving a tapestry of calmness and mindfulness.

Blessings on your knitting, Cindy

Cynthia Coe is the author of The Prayer Shawl Chronicles, a collection of interrelated short stories about knitters and those they meet through knitting and sharing prayer shawls. 

Be sure to check out my newly published A Prayer Shawl Handbook: Inspiration and Resources for Your Prayer Shawl Ministry, now available in paperback and e-book editions and included in Kindle Unlimited. Thanks for all the wonderful “thumbs up” of support for this new book!!!

For an easy 1-2-3 pattern like the one described in this blog post, try the “Trinity Moss Stitch” pattern in my new book!