Snow-Bound? Stranded? Time for Creative Yarn De-Stashing

I’ve found myself in Florida much longer than expected, and I’m a knitter stranded alone with a “mystery stash” of yarn. What to do???

It’s a great luxury to plan a project, decide exactly what yarn to use, and even mull over exactly what color you’ll use from a wide selection available. It’s nice to make a few swatches and decide which size knitting needles to use. 

But what if you can’t? 

I checked into a condo in Florida at the end of December, and I’m still here. With Tennessee closed for snow for the foreseeable future, I’ll be here for a while. Fortunately, I had ordered a “mystery stash” of clearance sale yarn shipped to me before I arrived, so I’m not exactly hurting for high quality yarn to knit with.

The problem is, I received 4 skeins of two different yarns from this mystery box – 4 skeins of a dark grey yarn, and 4 skeins of a bold pink and grey striped yarn. From past experience, I know it usually takes 5 skeins of these kinds of yarn to make a sweater (which I need; it’s 34 degrees here in paradise today). I puzzled over these yarns and made a swatch with the only needles I’ve got on hand. Mercifully, the needles will work with the yarn. But what to do with an underabundance of one or the other color of each yarn?

This is where necessity becomes creativity’s best friend. Like it or not, I’m looking at stripes. With the loud pink, I could end up with a sweater I wouldn’t be caught dead in. Or I could end up with a sweater I never would have planned but turns out better than expected. So I cast on and see how it goes.

I’ve ended up with a sweater with more texture and interest than I would have designed if I’d had my pick of materials. It’s mostly dark grey, in a heavy wool and alpaca, with pink and grey stripes that pop…but not too much.  Heck, it might be one of my favorite sweaters!

And all because I’m stranded and used what I had. Sometimes maybe we need to look at what’s in front of us and work out a solution we wouldn’t have even considered otherwise. Maybe that’s what makes the best crafting – letting necessity befriend and collaborate with the creativity that needs a little shove before it kicks into action. 

Blessings to those who are snowed in or stranded this winter day!


Cynthia Coe is the author of The Prayer Shawl Chronicles, interrelated short stories woven around those who make and receive handmade, prayerfully crafted gifts of prayer shawls. Click this link to order or for more information. 

Cynthia Coe is the author of The Prayer Shawl Chronicles, a collection of interrelated short stories about knitters and those they meet through knitting and sharing prayer shawls. 

Be sure to check out my newly published A Prayer Shawl Handbook: Inspiration and Resources for Your Prayer Shawl Ministry, now available in paperback and e-book editions and included in Kindle Unlimited. Thanks for all the wonderful “thumbs up” of support for this new book!!!